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Data Miner

Data Miner is a powerful feature for those who need real-world data for research, analysis, or visualization.

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Use Cases with Examples

Knowledge Gathering


data-miner: Give me relevant and current presidential poll data.


In the current 2024 presidential poll data, the race between incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump remains a toss-up. According to recent polls:

  1. FiveThirtyEight’s polling averages indicate that the contest is close, with no new polls added to their page at the time of this search.
  2. A Reuters/Ipsos poll from May 7, 2024, shows that Americans are concerned about TikTok’s influence, and the election remains competitive, with Trump holding a slight lead over Biden.
  3.’s polling average, as of the date of this search, does not provide a specific chart for your state, but the site mentions that they will add one when polling is available.
  4. FiveThirtyEight’s latest polls, as of May 15, 2024, show a close race, with a Schmidt poll indicating Biden at 44% and Trump at 44%, while a Yahoo News poll shows Biden at 45% and Trump at 45%.
  5. The Economist is also tracking the contest, and their data suggests that the race is close, with the election still many months away.

Economic issues and inflation are the most important factors for Americans when determining who they will support for president in November. Keep in mind that pre-election polls have limited predictive power for the final result until the end of the summer in an election year.

Google Keyword Research


data-miner:Give me the top 10 google keywords related to yoga along with a list of 5 blog topics that can be created using the keywords.


Based on the search results and the provided sources, here are the top 10 Google keywords related to yoga along with five potential blog topics that can be created using these keywords:

## Top 10 Google Keywords Related to Yoga:

  1. Yoga
  2. Yoga Retreat
  3. Yoga Practice
  4. Yoga Teacher
  5. Yoga Poses
  6. Yoga Mats
  7. Yoga Benefits
  8. Yoga Classes
  9. Yoga Studios
  10. Yoga Wellness

## Five Blog Topic Ideas Using the Keywords:

  1. “Discovering the Top 10 Yoga Poses for Beginners”
  2. “Exploring the Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide to Yoga Wellness”
  3. “A Yogi’s Guide to Choosing the Perfect Yoga Mat for Your Practice”
  4. “10 Proven Tips for Marketing Your Online Yoga Classes”
  5. “Experience the Best: A Guide to Top Yoga Retreats Around the World”

These blog topics aim to provide valuable information and insights for yoga enthusiasts, practitioners, and those interested in starting a yoga-related business. The topics cover a range of areas including yoga poses, wellness benefits, equipment choices, marketing strategies, and travel experiences.

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